What is it you do Lorraine?
I have my own business, Useful Link, where I run workshops for young people to help them get the skills they need for employment, leadership and personal development.
How was university life for you?
University life for me was pretty standard: procrastinate through assignments, make friends and hope at the end of it a job would be waiting for me. Well it wasn’t waiting and i was sitting at home for 8 months after graduation. This took a toll on me because I got tired of people asking me if I was really applying
How did you finally arrive at your job?
For a while, I did a lot of volunteer work in leadership positions and boards, mainly supporting and mentoring young people. Thereafter, I decided to go back to school and do my masters. I wanted to be a part of the solution to youth unemployment. That is why I started my business.
What do you think matters most in a graduate?
Pro-activity. Not waiting for opportunities to be handed to you but instead going out and getting them yourself.
What are your recommendations for future graduates?
Be a go-getter! We have a lot at our fingertips so find volunteering opportunities that build your skills and your networks and start making a path for yourself where you’d like to be headed